¾ Image Size: The image size of Mobile View is fixed at 160 x 120.
¾ Frame Rate: Set the frame rate of the MPEG4 image. You can choose values from 5, 10, 15,
20 fps. The unit “fps” stands for “frames sent per second”.
¾ Quality:
z Fixed Bitrate: Set the bitrate of MPEG4 image transmission for a line. You can select the
value from 64, 32, 16 kbps.
6.2.3 MJPEG
¾ MJPEG Viewer Port ( If RTSP is off, please check “SETTING → BASIC → Camera →
z Unicast Streaming Video / Audio Port Number: Specify the transmission port number of
the video data (the default value is 8070). You can specify an even number from 1024 to
65534. If you change the setting of Video / Audio Port Number, the setting of Video / Audio
Port Number (SSL) will change automatically.
¾ Image Size: Specify the image size when the network camera transmits. You can choose
among 640 x 480, 320 x 240, and 160 x 120.
¾ Frame Rate: Set the frame rate of the MJPEG image. You can choose values from 5, 10, 15
fps. The unit “fps” stands for “frames per second”.
¾ Quality:
z Auto: The quality will be automatically decided.
z Fixed Quality: You can select the value of quality among Medium, Standard, Good,
Delicate and Excellent.
6.3 Network
Click Network to display the submenus including Information, PPPoE, DDNS, UPnP, Bonjour,
IP Notification and Messenger.