aging-time ——Aging time (in minutes) to be set for the Voice VLAN. It ranges
from 1 to 43200 and the default value is 1440.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Set the aging time for the Voice VLAN as 2880 minutes:
TP-LINK(config)# voice-vlan aging-time 2880
voice-vlan oui
The voice-vlan oui command is used to create or delete Voice VLAN OUI.
voice-vlan oui add mac-addr mask mask-addr [description]
voice-vlan oui remove mac-addr
mac-addr —— The OUI address of the voice device.
mask-addr —— The OUI address mask of the voice device.
description ——Give a description to the OUI for identification which contains 16
characters at most. By default, it is empty.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Create a Voice VLAN OUI descripted as TP-LINK Phone with the MAC address
00:01:E3:00:00:01 and the mask address FF:FF:FF:00:00:00. And then delete
the Voice VLAN OUI with the MAC address 00:00:00:11:00:01:
TP-LINK(config)# voice-vlan oui add 00:01:E3:00:00:01 mask
FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 “TP-LINK Phone“
TP-LINK(config)# voice-vlan oui remove 00:00:00:11:00:01