is too short however, many entries may be aged out too soon. This will result
in a high percentage of received packets whose source addresses cannot
be found in the forwarding table, in which case the switch will broadcast the
packet to all ports, egating many of the benefits of having a switch.
Static forwarding entries are not affected by the aging time.
2) Static MAC Address
If you set the wrong port of the address or change the port during
operation, you must reset the Static MAC Address Table. Or else the
address can't be used.
After you configure the Static MAC Address the Switch can't operate
normally if a equipment with this address connects to the other port of
the Switch. It's better to delete the static address which won't be used
when you configure the static MAC address.
4.4.4 Spanning Tree protocol
1) There are limits as following:
Priority: 0 - 65535
Hello Time: 1 - 10
Maximum Age Timer: 6- 40
Forward Delay Timer: 4 - 30
Max. Age 2 x (Forward Delay - 1 second)
Max. Age 2 x (Hello Time + 1 second)
2) When the Spanning Tree changes from Disable to Enable, the port will
be blocked for a while which is two times of the Forward Delay. After
revision, you must TELNET the Switch again.
3) There are limits to the Port Priority and Port Cost.
Port Priority: 0 255 (can configure 1 and 255)
Port Cost: 1 65535 (can configure 1 and 65535)
4.4.5 IEEE802.1X protocol
1) The following MAC address can't be set into the Force AUTH MAC
24+2G Gigabit Managed Switch User's Guide
24+2G Gigabit Managed Switch User's Guide
Figure 4-6 Spanning Tree protocol
Figure 4-7 IEEE802.1X protocol