¾ Enable MAC Filtering - Check this box to enable MAC Address Filtering. There are two
default filtering rules for MAC Address Filtering: Allow or Deny the packets specified to pass
through the router.
4.10.2 IP Address Filtering
Selecting Security > IP Address Filtering will allow you to configure the IP address filtering entry
on the page as shown in Figure 4-36.
Figure 4-36 IP address Filtering
To disable the IP Address Filtering feature, keep the default setting. To set up an IP Address
Filtering entry, you should first Enable Firewall and Enable IP Address Filtering on the Firewall
page as shown in Figure 4-35, and then click the Add Ne
w… button in Figure 4-36. The page
"Add or Modify an IP Address Filtering entry" will appear shown in Figure 4-37.
Figure 4-37 Add or Modify an IP Address Filtering Entry
To create or modify an IP Address Filtering entry, please follow these instructions:
1. Effective Time - Enter a range of time in HHMM format, which points to the range time for the
entry to take effect. For example, 0803 - 1705, the entry will take effect from 08:03 to 17:05.