Attach the antenna mount to the receiver plate with the 3x8mm button-
head machine screw.
Locate the left stiffener (leftover from Bag F), (3) 3x6x8mm aluminum
spacers (blue anodized), (3) 3x20mm buttonhead machine screws, and
the fuel tank assembly.
Insert the 3x20mm buttonhead machine screws through the holes in the
receiver plate. Slide a 3x6x8mm aluminum spacer over each screw.
The top isolator should fit uni-
formly in the gap between the
tank and the top plate (see
photo at right).
Sandwich the fuel tank assembly (main rubber isolator)
between the left stif
fener and the graphite top plate.
Secure the top plate by fastening the radio tray to the left stiffener, as
shown, with the 3x20mm buttonhead screws. Slide the remaining
3x6x8mm aluminum spacer over the remaining 3x20mm buttonhead
machine screw and then insert the screw into the rear hole in the top
plate/stiffener assembly. Do not tighten this screw completely.
do not