All of us at Traxxas want you to safely enjoy your new Revo. Operate
your Revo sensibly and with care, and it will be exciting, safe, and fun for
you and those around you. Failure to operate your Revo in a safe and
responsible manner may result in property damage and serious injury.
The precautions outlined in this manual should be strictly followed to
help ensure safe operation. You alone must see that the instructions are
followed and the precautions are adhered to.
Important Points to Remember
Revo is very fast! The Revo is intended for experienced users with a
high level of skill. The TRX 3.3 Racing Engine is extremely powerful
and may require skilled driving to maintain control. Children under 16
years of age and inexperienced drivers should not operate the Revo
without the supervision of a responsible and knowledgeable
(experienced) adult.
Model engine fuel is dangerous and highly poisonous. Always
follow all directions and precautions printed on the fuel container.
Model engine fuel is poisonous to humans and animals. Drinking the
fuel can cause blindness and death. Handle with care and respect.
Model engine fuel, especially when in a fuel dispensing bottle, may
look like a cool drink to a child.
Keep all fuel out of the reach of
children at all times. Do not place fuel containers on the ground
where children can reach them while you are driving.
Model engine fuel is flammable. Never allow smoking, sparks,
heat or flame in the presence of fuel or fuel vapors.
The engine, brakes, and exhaust system may become extremely hot
during use. Be careful not to touch the parts, especially when
refueling or stopping the engine.
Prolonged exposure to the engine exhaust can be harmful. Avoid
breathing the engine exhaust. Always run your Revo outdoors,
in a well-ventilated area. Never run the engine indoors.
Do not operate your Revo at night, or anytime your line of sight to the
model may be obstructed or impaired in any way.
Never operate your Revo in crowds of people or busy pedestrian
areas. Revo is very fast and could cause injury to those unaware of its
presence. Keep small children at a safe distance away from the
operating area.
Because Revo is controlled by radio, it is subject to radio interference
from many sources beyond your control. Since radio interference can
cause momentary loss of control, always allow a safety margin in all
directions around your model to prevent collisions.
The engine can be loud. If the noise makes you uncomfortable, wear
ear protection. Be considerate of your neighbors by not running your
model early in the morning or late in the evening.
Most importantly, use good common sense at all times.
Revo 3.3
Safety Precautions
All instructions and
precautions outlined in this
manual should be strictly
followed to ensure safe
operation of your Revo.
Revo is not intended for use
by children under 16 years
of age without the
supervision of a responsible
and knowledgeable adult.