Your Traxxas radio system is
equipped with a built-in failsafe
function that returns the throttle
to its last saved neutral position in
the event of a signal loss. The LED
on the transmitter and the receiver
will rapidly flash red.
In order to re-acquire the signal
after the failsafe has activated,
you will need to walk a longer
distance closer to the model than
the distance the model travelled
out of range. Simply keep walking
towards the model until you re-
acquire the signal.
With Traxxas Link Model Memory, there is no need remember which
transmitter goes with which model and there is never a need to
have to select any model from a list of model memory entries. The
transmitter and receiver do it all for you automatically.
To activate Model Lock:
1. Switch on the transmitter and receiver you wish to lock.
2. Press and hold MENU. Release when the status LED blinks green.
3. Press MENU three times. The status LED will blink green four
times repeatedly.
4. Press SET. The status LED will blink green in single-flash intervals.
5. Press SET once. The status LED will blink red once repeatedly.
6. Press MENU once, the LED will blink red twice repeatedly.
7. Press SET, the LED will blink rapidly green. The memory is now
locked. Press and hold MENU to return to driving mode.
Note: To unlock a memory, press SET twice at step 5. The LED will
blink rapidly green to indicate the model is unlocked. To unlock all
models, press MENU twice at step 6 and then press SET.
To delete a model:
At some point, you may wish to delete a model you no-longer drive
from the memory.
1. Switch on the transmitter and receiver you wish to delete.
2. Press and hold MENU. Release when the status LED blinks green.
3. Press MENU three times. The status LED will blink green four
times repeatedly.
4. Press SET once. The status LED will blink green once repeatedly.
5. Press MENU once. The status LED will blink green twice repeatedly.
6. Press SET. The memory is now selected to be deleted. Press SET to
delete the model. Press and hold MENU to return to driving mode.
LED Color / Pattern Name Notes
Solid green Normal Driving Mode See page 12 for information on how to use your transmitter controls.
Slow red (0.5 sec on / 0.5 sec off) Binding See page 13 for more information on binding.
Flashing fast green (0.1 sec on / 0.15 sec off) Throttle Trim Seek Mode
Turn the Multi-Function knob right or left until the LED stops flashing.
See page 23 for more information.
Flashing medium red (0.25 sec on / 0.25 sec off) Low Battery Alarm Put new batteries in the transmitter. See page 11 for more information.
Flashing fast red (0.125 sec on / 0.125 sec off) Link Failure / Error
Transmitter and receiver are no longer bound. Turn the system off and then
back on to resume normal operation. Find source of the link failure (i.e., out of
range, low batteries, damaged antenna).
Programming Patterns
Counts out number (green or red) then pauses Current menu position See Menu Tree for more information.
Fast green 8 times Menu setting accepted (on SET)
Fast red 8 times Menu SET invalid User error such as trying to delete a locked model.
LED Color / Pattern Name Notes
Solid green Normal Driving Mode See page 12 for information on how to use your transmitter controls.
Slow red (0.5 sec on / 0.5 sec off) Binding See page 13 for more information on binding.
Flashing fast red (0.125 sec on / 0.125 sec off) Failsafe / Low-Voltage Detect
Consistent low voltage in the receiver triggers Failsafe so there is enough power
to center the throttle servo before it completely loses power.