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MJPEG (Motion JPEG) composes a moving image by
storing each frame of a moving picture sequence in
JPEG compression, and then decompressing and
displaying each frame at rapid speed to show the
moving picture.
MPEG4 is designed to enable transmission and
reception of high-quality audio and video over the
Internet and next-generation mobile telephones.
Network Address Translator generally applied by a
router that makes many different IP addresses on an
internal network appear to the Internet as a single
address. For routing messages properly within your
network, each device requires a unique IP address.
But the addresses may not be valid outside your
network. NAT solves the problem. When devices
within your network request information from the
Internet, the requests are forwarded to the Internet
under the router's IP address. NAT distributes the
responses to the proper IP addresses within your
A network consists of a collection of two or more
devices, people, or components that communicate
with each other over physical or virtual media. The
most common types of network are:
LAN – (local area network): Computers are in close
distance to one another. They are usually in the same
office space, room, or building.
WAN – (wide area network): The computers are in
different geographic locations and are connected by
telephone lines or radio waves.
NWay Protocol
A network protocol that can automatically negotiate
the highest possible transmission speed between two