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4.2 Device Configurations
4.2.1 Hardware Configuration
BlueSoleil supports the following kinds of Bluetooth radio adapters: USB and
CF card.
To access the hardware configuration screens, click Tools | My Bluetooth
Bluetooth Device
Select the type of Bluetooth enabled device that you plan to use, either a USB
adapter or a CompactFlash (CF) card.
Advanced Configuration
The Advanced Configuration page will be enabled only if you selected CF in the
Bluetooth Device screen. Use the Advanced Configuration screen to configure
detailed parameters including COM Port, Baud Rate, Byte Size, Parity, Stop
Bits, and Flow Control.
4.2.2 Properties Configuration
To configure the properties of your local device, click My Bluetooth | Device
Device Name
The local device's name, which will be shown to other Bluetooth enabled
Device Type
The device type of your local computer, (i.e., Desktop, Laptop or Server).