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The Web Configuration contains the settings that are required for the camera in the left
menu bar, including Smart Wizard, Basic, Network, Video/Audio, Event Server, Motion
detect, Event Config, Tools, SD Card, and Information.
Smart Wizard
The camera’s Smart Wizard lets you configure your camera easily and quickly. The
wizard will guide you through the necessary settings with detailed instructions on each
To start the wizard, click Smart Wizard in the left menu bar.
Camera Setting
By default, the camera name is set as model number. Change the name if
necessary. Enter the location and administrator password twice.
IP Setting
Select the IP setting according to your network: DHCP, Static IP, or PPPoE.
Email Settings
Enter the required information to be able to send email with image.
For example, myserver.com. If you are using a free mail service (e.g. Google
Gmail®, Yahoo®, Hotmail®), please enter the SMTP server address and the
corresponding information from the service provider.