H Glossary of Terms
10BASE-T 10BASE-T is Ethernet over UTP Category III,IV, or V
unshielded twisted-pair media.
100BASE-TX The two-pair twisted-media implementation of
100BASE-T is called 100BASE-TX.
802.11g An IEEE standard for wireless local area networks. It
offers transmissions speeds at up to 54 Mbps in the 2.4-
GHz band.
Access point It is the hardware interface between a wireless LAN
and a wired LAN. The access point attaches to the
wired LAN through an Ethernet connection.
Applet Applets are small Java (JRE)
rams that can be
embedded in an HTML pa
e. The rule at the moment is
that an applet can only make an Internet connection to
the computer form that the applet was sent.
ASCII American Standard Code For Information Interchan
it is the standard method for encoding characters as 8-
it sequences of binar
numbers, allowin
a maximum
of 256 characters.