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TRENDnet User’s Guide
Event Server Setting >> FTP
- Host Address: Enter the IP address of the target FTP server.
- Port Number: Enter the port number used for the FTP server.
- User Name: Enter the user name to login into the FTP server.
- Password: Enter the password to login into the FTP server.
- Directory Path: Enter the destination folder for uploading the images. For
example, test.
- Passive Mode: Select the Enable option to enable passive mode.
- FTP Upload with: Select upload to FTP with one snapshot image or a series
image in pre-event/post-event time when event triggered.
NOTE: The Pre-Event or Post-Event only works when video resolution set up to
720P or lower. It will not work with SXGA resolution. Due to the network
speed/environment, the camera may not be able upload all number of
the images that you set.
Event Server Setting >> Email
- SMTP Server Address: Enter the mail server address. For example,
myserver.com. If you are using a free mail service (e.g. Google Gmail®,
Yahoo®, Hotmail®), please enter the SMTP server address from the service
- Sender Email Address: Enter the email address of the user who will send
the email. For example, John@myserver.com.
- SMTP Port: Assign the SMTP port in the text box. The default SMPT port is
25. For the free mail service, please enter the correct port number from
the service provider.
- SSL or STARTLLS: If the mail server requires an encrypted connection, you
should select the SSL option. STARTTTLS is an extension to plain text