Zoom Speed: Adjust the speed (1 ~ 10) while zooming
the lens.
Focus Speed: Adjust the speed (1 ~ 10) while focusing the
Zoom In/Zoom Out: Click to zoom in/out the live view
Focus Far/Focus Near: Click to adjust the focus by
Patrol Position
This field allows you to set the positions for camera’s patrolling:
1. Select a preset position from the Preset Position pull-down
list, and then click Add to be Patrol Position. The preset
position will be added to the Patrol Path list.
2. From the Patrol Path list, you can change the patrolling order
by selecting a position and clicking Up or Down. You can also
delete a position by clicking Remove.
3. You can change the stay time for each position when the
camera is patrolling. Select a position in the Patrol Path list
and then enter a time setting in the text box below the Stay
Time list. Click Update to save the setting. The Stay Time list
displays the current setting for each position.
4. When done, click Save.