TV-IP600/W Wireless Network Camera
Use the Date/Time menu to set the Camera’s time settings
Date/Time menu
Date/Time Setting
Use the radio buttons to specify if the Camera should set its time using a time server or if the time
or be setup manually,
• Synchronized with Time Server: Selecting this option will set time using an NTP Server.
The time will be synchronized every 24 hours. The following parameters need to be
configured when choosing the Synchronized with Time Server option:
IP Address Enter the IP Address of the Time Server in this field.
Protocol Click a radio button to specify if the Time Server you are connecting to
uses the NTP or Time protocol.
TimeZone Select the time zone for the region you are located in from the drop-
down menu.
• Set Manually: Select this option to enter the time manually. Type the current date in yyyy-
mm-dd format in the Date field. Type the current time in hh:mm:ss format in the Time field.
To synchronize the Camera time with the time set on your computer, tick the
Synchronized with Computer Time checkbox.