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TRENDnet User’s Guide
TV-IP672W / TV-IP672WI
This screen shows the SD Card parameters. You are able to set the recording options on
this page. Click the Recording checkbox to enable camera recording. All data is stored on
the removable SD card.
There are three main sections:
Trigger By: Always, Motion, Schedule,
Recording: Configure the recording options
SD Card: Recording files size
Trigger By - Always
This option allows you to record constantly. If you select Always bear in mind that the
Recording Type should be Video and that the source usually comes from Profiles 1, 2 or
4 under Source. Make sure the SD Card settings are setup to accommodate the huge
storage space required for Always connections. Click Apply to complete the
Trigger By – Schedule
This option allows you to record according to the schedule you setup. If you select
Schedule a calendar of the days of the week appear. Here you can select from each
day’s checkbox which days you want to setup and you can create a start and end time.
Click Apply to complete the configuration.
Trigger By – Motion
This option allows you to record according to the motion parameters you setup. If you
select Motion, click the Onlyduring checkbox. Then a calendar of the days of the week
appears. Here you can click one of the day’s checkboxes and you can create a start and
end time. The Recording Type changes to pre-record or pre-event settings. This means