TRIAX A/S has the right of ownership of the soft-
As the owner of DVB 63S/65S you have the right
to apply the software for this equipment.
No kind of re-engineering or copying of the soft-
ware for other purposes must be made without a
written permission from TRIAX A/S.
TRIAX A/S reserves the right to alter the software
at any time.
Update of software
TRIAX DVB 63S/65S can currently be upgraded
with new software made available by TRIAX. The
entire operation of the receiver is part of this soft-
ware. The majority of the features are obtained
through this software.
The update can take place in different ways:
1. Via the TRIAX web site: www.triax.dk
2. Via download from satellite
Update via PC
Your TRIAX DVB 63S/65S can be updated with
the latest software from the TRIAX web site. Here
you will find necessary instruction too.
Download via satellite
TRIAX provides the latest software via the satellite
5 dgr. east. This in practice means that you have
to have reception possibility of signals from this
position in order to make use of this facility.
Please note that the menu’s and part of the oper-
ation can change after an update.