
Engine Oil Maintenance
Change engine oil after the first two (2)
hours of new operation. Thereafter,
change the oil every fifty (50) operating
hours (or sooner if the work environment
is very dirty or dusty).
The front cover shield (secured with
four screws) must be removed to gain
access to the oil drain plug which is
located at the base of the engine on the
muffler side. Locations to check/add oil
and drain oil are shown in Figs. 5-7 and
5-8. Follow the engine manufacturers
literature for specific oil changing proce-
dures, quantities, and the specific grade
and viscosity of oil to use in the engine.
Air Cleaner Maintenance
The engine is equipped with a dual
element air cleaner (refer to Fig. 5-9) that
filters the air twice before it enters the
carburetor to mix with the fuel. The filters
must be kept clean and properly installed
at all times.
Refer to the engine manufacturers
literature supplied with your equipment
for complete air cleaner service and
maintenance information.
Spark Plug Maintenance
The spark plug (see Fig. 5-10) must be
in good condition for proper engine
operation. Remove and inspect the plug
every one-hundred (100) operating hours
or annually, whichever comes first.
The correct electrode gap for your
engine spark plug is .030". Check the gap
with a feeler gauge. Do not use a spark
plug if the porcelain is cracked, the
electrodes are pitted or burned, or if other
visible damage is present.
To install a plug, first tighten it secure-
ly by hand, then use a spark plug wrench
to tighten the plug another 1/4 turn.
Ignition System Maintenance
Your engine is equipped with elec-
tronic ignition. It does not have a
condenser or points, so there is no need
to perform any regular tune-up
maintenance on this system other than
adjusting or replacing the spark plug.
When your tiller wont be used during
the off-season, prepare it for storage with
the following steps:
1. Clean the tiller and engine.
2. Do routine tiller lubrication and check
for loose hardware.
3. Protect the engine from deterioration
or damage by referring to the Engine
Storage instructions in your engine
manual literature. Drain the gasoline or
use a gasoline stabilizer as recommended
in the Engine Manual.
4. When the engine is still warm, drain
the oil from the engine crankcase. Refill
with fresh, clean motor oil.
5. Protect the internal cylinder against
rust by removing the spark plug and
pouring one ounce of clean engine oil into
the spark plug hole. Then slowly pull out
the recoil starter rope 2 or 3 times to
distribute the oil internally. Replace the
spark plug, but do not reconnect the plug
wire. Pull the rope out until resistance is
felt let the rope rewind. The valves are
6. Lubricate the eccentric pivot bushings
(at the base of the handlebar) with WD-40.
7. Store the equipment in a clean, dry
8. Never store the equipment with fuel in
the fuel tank in an enclosed area where
gas fumes could reach an open flame or
spark, or where ignition sources are
present (like space heaters, hot water
heaters, furnaces, etc.).
Section 5: Maintenance
Figs. 5-7 and 5-8
Fig. 5-9
Fig. 5-10
Check and
Add Oil
Air Cleaner