6. Stopthe engine, disconnectthe spark
plug wire and preventit from touching the
spark plug,wheneveryou leavethe operat-
ing position, beforeunclogging thetines,
or whenmaking any repairs, adjustments
or inspections.
7. Takeall possible precautionswhenleav-
ing the machine unattended.Stopthe en-
gine. Disconnectthespark plug wire and
move it awayfrom thespark plug. Besure
that both wheelsarein theWheelDrive po-
8. Beforecleaning, repairing,or inspect-
ing, stop the engine andmake certain all
moving parts havestopped. Disconnect
the spark plug wire and prevent it from
touching thespark plug to preventacci-
9. Theflapon thefine hood must bedown
when operatingthetiller.
10. Neverusethetiller unless proper
guards, plates,or other safety protective
devicesare in place.
11. Donot run the engine in an enclosed
area.Engineexhaust containscarbon
monoxide gas, adeadlypoison that is
odorless, colorless, and tasteless.
12. Keepchildren and pets away.
13. Never operate thetiller underengine
powerif thewheels arein theFreewheel
position.Inthe Freewheelposition, the
wheelswill not hold the tiller back andthe
revolvingtines could propel thetiller rapid-
ly,possibly causingloss ofcontrol. Always
engagethe wheels with the wheel drive
pins in theWheel Drive position before
starting the engine or engagingthe
tines4Nheelswith the Forward Clutch Bail
(all models) orthe ReverseClutchcontrol
(Models 634A only).
14. Beawarethatthe tiller may unex-
pectedlybounceupwardor jumpforward
if thetines shouldstrike extremelyhard
packedsoil, frozen ground,or buriedob-
stacleslike largestones,roots,or
If indoubtaboutthetilling conditions, al-
ways usethefollowing operating precau-
tionstoassistyouin maintainingcontrol
of thetiller:
a. Walk behindandto one side of the
tiller, usingone handon thehandle
barsRelax yourarm, but usea
b. Useshallower depthregulator
settings,working graduallydeeper
with eachpass.
ยข. Useslowerenginespeeds.
d. Clearthe tilling area of all large
stones,rootsor other debris.
e. Avoidusingdownwardpressureon
thehandlebars.If needbe, use
slight upwardpressuretokeepthe
tinesfrom diggingtoodeeply.
f. Beforecontacting hard packedsoil
at the endofa row,reduceengine
speedand liftthehandlebarsto
raise thetines out of the soil.
g. In anemergency,stopthetinesand
wheels byreleasingwhichever
clutch controlis engaged.Do not
attemptto restrainthetiller.
15. Donot overloadthe tiller's capacityby
attempting to till too deeplyat too fast a
16. Neveroperatethetiller at high trans-
port speeds on hard or slippery surfaces.
Look behind and usecarewhen backing
17. Donot operatethetiller on aslopethat
is too steep for safety.When on slopes,
slow down and makesure you havegood
footing. Neverpermit thetillerto freewheel
down slopes.
18. Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit.
19. Onlyuseattachmentsand accessories
that are approved bythe manufacturer of
the tiller.
20. Usetiller attachmentsand accessories
when recommended.
21. Neveroperatethetiller without good
visibility or light.
22. Neveroperatethe tiller ifyou aretired;
or underthe influence ofalcohol, drugs or
23. Operatorsshallnottamper with theen-
gine-governor settings onthe machine;
the governor controls the maximum safe
operatingspeedto protectthe engine and
all moving parts from damagecaused by
overspeed.Authorized serviceshall be
sought if a problem exists.
24. Do nottouch engine partswhich may
behot from operation.Letparts cool down
25. Pleaseremember:Youcanalwaysstop
thetines and wheelsby releasingthe For-
ward ClutchBail or on Model634Athe Re-
verseClutchcontrol, (whichevercontrol is
engaged),or bymoving the ignition switch
and/orthrottle control leveron the engine
to "OFF"or "STOP".
26. Toload or unloadthe tiller, seethe in-
structions in Section4 of this Manual.
27. Useextremecaution when reversing
or pulling the machinetowards you.
28. Startthe enginecarefully accordingto
instructions and with feet well away from
29. Neverpick upor carry a machinewhile
the engineis running.
1. Keepthe tiller, attachmentsand acces-
sories in safeworking condition.
2. Checkall nuts, bolts, and screws for
proper tightness to besurethe equipment
is in safeworking condition.
3. Neverstore thetiller with fuel in thefuel
tank insideabuilding whereignition sourc-
esare presentsuchashot waterandspace
heaters,furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves,
electric motors, etc.). Allow the engineto
cool beforestoring the unit in anyenclo-
4. Toreducethe chancesof a fire hazard,
keeptheenginefreeofgrass, leaves,or ex-
5. Storegasolinein acool, well-ventilated
area,safely awayfrom anyspark- or
flame-producing equipment. Store gaso-
line in anapprovedcontainer,safelyaway
from the reachof children.
6. Referto the Maintenancesectionsof
this Manualand the separateEngineOwn-
er's Manualfor instructions ifthe unitis to
bestored for an extendedperiod.
7. Neverperform maintenancewhilethe
engineis running orthe spark plug wire is
connected,exceptwhen specifically in-
structed to do so.
8. Ifthe fueltank hasto be drained,dothis