Section5: Maintenance
WARNINGBeforeinspecting,cleaningor servicingthe unit, shutoff engine, wait for all t
partsto cometo a completestop,disconnectsparkplugwire and movewire awayfrom spark ..L./
plug. Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or
from turning by gripping the upper end of
thethreadedadjuster (B) with pliers.
6. RepeatStep3 to measurethe length
of the clutch bailspring. Oncethe length
is correct, retighten the hex nutagainst
thetop of theadjuster.
If the drive belt needsto be replaced,see
your local authorizeddealer or phonethe
factory as instructed on Page2. Referto
the Parts List in the back of this manual
for correct components Useonly OEM
(Original Equipment Manufacturer) fre-
placementbelts.A substitute belt may
not perform satisfactorily. Theprocedure
requiresaveragemechanicalability and
commonly availabletools.
If the ForwardClutch Bail doesnot
function properly, first checkthat the
forward drive belt is adjusted properly
(see"Checkingand Adjusting Forward
Drive BeltTension"). If this fails to
correct the problem, contact thefactory
technicalservicedepartment or your
authorizeddealer for service advice.
Maintaining correct tension on the
reversedrive belt is important to good
performanceand long belt life. A loose
belt will slip on the engine andtransmis-
sion pulleys and causethe tines and
wheelsto slow down- or stop com-
pletely- eventhough the engine is
running atfull speed. A loosebelt can
also result in premature beltwear.
If there is no reverseaction whenthe
ReverseClutch Control knob is pulled
out, then the belt tension istoo loose.
Whenchecking belttension, also check
the beltfor cracks, cuts or frayed edges
and replaceit assoon as possible.
• Checkbelttension after the first two
hours of break-in operation (new belt).
• Checkbelttension after every 10
operating hours.
1. Besure that the engineis stopped and
the spark plug wire is disconnectedand
moved awayfrom thespark plug.
2. Removethe screw in the plasticbelt
cover and slidethe cover (which is
attachedto theforward clutch cable)out
of the way.
3. Havean assistant pull the Reverse
Clutch Control knob all theway out and
hold it in that position. Measurethe
length of the cablewire betweenthe end
of the threadedcableadjuster (A, Figure
5-5) and the end of theZ-fitting (B) to
which the cablewire isattached.
4. The belttension is ideal if the cable
wire length measuresbetween1/8" to
1/4". If the length is lessthan 1/8" (and if
there is no reverseaction when the tiller
is running), then makethe following
adjustments. NOTE:If the lengthis more
than 1/4", no adjustment is needed,as
long asthe reverseactionfunctions
5. Releasethe ReverseClutchControl
knob. Unthreadthe inner jam nut (C,
Figure5-6) one to two turns and pull the
threadedcableadjuster (A, Figure5-6) to
the left until the inner jam nut rests
againstthe bracket.
6. Preventthe inner jam nut (C)from
turning and tighten the outer jam nut (D)
againstthe bracket. Preventthe outer
jam nut (D) from turning and tighten the
inner jam nut (C)against the bracket.
7. Measurethe gap by repeatingStep3.
Readjustasneededby repeatingSteps 5
and 6.
8. Reinstallthe belt cover.
Figure55: Measurecablewirelengthto
Figure5-6: Movethreaded
If the drive belt needsto be replaced,see
your localauthorized dealeror phonethe
factory as instructed on Page2. Referto
the Parts List in the back of this manual
for correct components Use only OEM
(Original Equipment Manufacturer) fre-
placementbelts. A substitute belt may
not perform satisfactorily. Theprocedure
requiresaveragemechanicalability and
commonly availabletools.