Section5: Maintenance
WARNING Before inspecting,cleaning or servicing the unit, shutoff engine, wait for all
partsto cometoa completestop, disconnectspark plugwire and movewire away fromspark
plug. Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or
Figure5-3: Tines,tineholdersandinstallationhardware.
Figure5-4:Liftbail andchecklengthofClutchBailSpringtocheckforcorrectbelttension
Maintaining correct tension on the
forward drive belt is important to good
tilling performance and long belt life. A
loose belt will slip on the engine and
transmission pulleys and causethe tines
and wheels to slow down - or stop com-
pletely- eventhough the engine is
running at full speed. A loose beltcan
also result in premature belt wear.
If you find you can not bring the Forward
Clutch Bail all the way upto the bottom of
the upper handlebars,you will needto
loosen the belt tension.
Also check the belt for cracks, cuts or
frayed edgesand replaceit as soon as
• Checkbelt tension after the first two
hours of initial operation (new belt).
• Checkbelt tension after every 10
operating hours.
To CheckForwardBeltTension:
1. Besure that the engine is stopped and
the spark plug wire is disconnectedand
moved awayfrom the spark plug.
2. Loosen nut "C" (Figure 5-4) several
turns so it is about halfway upthe
threaded adjustment screw.
3. Lift the Forward ClutchBail up and
hold it to the bottom of the handlebars.
Measurethe length of theclutch bail
spring (A, Figure 5-4) with a ruler. If the
belt tension is correct, the length of the
coiled portion of the spring should be
approximately 1-7/8". Nut "C" should
then besnugged down againstthe top of
the adjuster (B).
4. If the spring is too short, the belt
tension will betoo loose. If the spring is
too long, the belt tension will betoo tight.
5. To adjust the length of the spring,
releasethe ForwardClutch Bail. Thread
the hex nut (C, Fig.5-4) halfway up the
adjustment screw. Turn the screw inside
the spring (A, Figure 5-4) counterclock-
wise (asviewed from the operator's
position) while holding the adjuster (B)
steadyto increasethe length of the
spring, or turn clockwise (as viewed from
the operator's position) to decreasethe
length of the spring.
NOTE:If you havedifficulty holding the
adjuster steadyby hand, usea pliers or
wrench on the adjuster. Whileyou turn
the screw, keepthe Forward Clutch Cable