Section4: Operation
Startingthe Engine
The following steps describe how to start
and stop the engine. Donotattemptto
engagetines or wheels untilyouhave
read all the operatinginstructionsin this
Section. Alsoreview thesalety rules in
Section1: "Safety" and thetiller and
engine controlsinlormationin Section
3: "Features and Controls."
To help prevent serious
personal injury or damage to
• Before starting engine, put
both wheels in the WHEEL
DRIVE position. Never have
the wheels in the
FREEWHEEL position when
the engine is running. When
the wheels are in
FREEWHEEL, they do not
hold back the tiller and the
tines could propel the tiller
rapidly backward.
• Before starting engine, put
Forward Clutch Bail (all
Models) and Reverse Clutch
Control in neutral (disen-
gaged) positionsby releasing
• Never run engine indoors or
in enclosed, poorly venti-
lated areas. Engine exhaust
contains carbon monoxide,
an odorless and deadly gas.
• Avoid engine muffler and
nearby areas. Temperatures
in these areas may exceed
1. Completethe "Pre-Start Checklist" on
the previous page.
2. Put the wheels in the WHEELDRIVE
position (see "Wheel Drive Pins" in
Section 3).
3. Put the DepthRegulator Lever in the
"travel" position (lever all the way down)
so that the tines areclear of the ground.
4. Releaseall controls on the tiller.
5. If engine is equipped with a fuel valve,
1t'urn4valve to open position as instructed
in the separateEngineOwner's Manual.
6. Put ignition switch and/or throttle
control lever on engine in "ON," "RUN,"
"FAST"or "START" position asinstructed
in the separateEngineOwner's Manual.
7. Chokeor prime engineas instructed in
the separateEngineOwner's Manual.
8. Place one hand on the fuel tank to
stabilize the unit when you pull the starter
handle. Usethe recoil starter ropeto start
the engine as instructed in the separate
EngineOwner's Manual. When engine
starts, gradually movechoke lever (on
engines so equipped)to "NOCHOKE,"
"CHOKEOFF"or "RUN" position.
Hot surfaces can causesevere
burns. Do not touchmuffler or
adjacent areas.
9. Usethe "FAST"throttle speed setting
when tilling.
Keep away from rotating
tines. Rotating tines will
cause injury.
Stoppingthe Engineand Tiller
1. To stop the wheelsand tines, release
the ForwardClutch Bail or the Reverse
Clutch Control -- whichever control is in
2. To stop the engine, put thethrottle
control lever on engine in "OFF"or
The following pages provide guidelinesto
using your tiller effectively andsafely in
various gardening applications. Besure
to read "Tilling Tips & Techniques" in this
Section beforeyou actually putthe tines
into the soil.
This is a CRT(counter-rotating tine) tiller.
As the wheels pull forward, the tines
rotate backward.
This createsan "uppercut" tine action
which digs deeply, uprooting soil and
weeds. Don't overloadthe engine, but dig
as deeplyas possible on each pass. On
later passes,the wheels may tend to spin
in the soft dirt. Helpthem along by lifting
up slightly on the handlebar(palm facing
1. Followthe "Pre-Start Checklist" on the
previous page. Besure that the wheels
are in the WHEELDRIVEposition.
2. Put the Depth Regulator Leverin the
"travel" position (leverall the way down)
so that the tines are clear ofthe ground.
Usethis position when practicing with
your tiller or when moving to or from the
garden. When you are readyto begin
tilling, you must move the Depth
Regulator Leverto the desired depth
setting (see "Tilling Tips & Techniques").
Checkthat the Anti-Reverse Stakeswivels
freelybackandforth. Removeany clogged
material on or around the stake.
Figure 4-2: Use one handto guide tiller
when movingforward.
3. Start theengine and allow it to warm
up. When warm, put throttle control in
fast speedsetting.
4. Forforward motion of wheelsand
power to thetines:
(a) Pull the ForwardClutch Bailup and
hold it againstthe handlebar. Release
the bail to stop forward motion of
the wheelsand power to the tines.
(b) Asthe tiller moves forward, relaxand
letthe wheelspullthe unit alongwhile
the tines dig. Walk behindand a
little to one side ofthe tiller. Usea
light but secure grip with one hand
on the handlebars,keeping your arm
loose. SeeFigure 4-2.