Thefollowing steps describe howto start
and stop the engine, go notattempt to
engagethetines orwheels untilyou
haveread all ofthe operatinginstruc-
tionsin this Section. Alsoreview
the safetyrulesin Section1: "Safety"
and thetiller and enginecontrols
informationin Section3: "Features and
1. Completethe "Pre-Start Checklist" on
the previous page.
2. Putthe Wheel GearLever(Figure 4-1)
in the ENGAGEposition.
3. Put the DepthRegulator Lever inthe
"travel" position (leverall the way down)
so that the tines are clearof the ground.
4. Releaseall controls on the tiller.
5. Put the EngineThrottle Control Lever
(Figure4-1) in the "FAST" setting.
6. On engines equippedwith afuel valve,
turn valveto open position as instructed
in the separateengine manual.
7. Chokeor prime engine as instructed in
the separateEngineOwner's Manual.
8. For recoil (non-electric) starting
(a) Placeone hand on fuel tank to stabi-
lizeunit whenyou pull the starter
(b) Usethe recoil starter ropeto start
the engineas instructed in the sepa-
rate EngineOwner's Manual. When
the enginestarts, gradually move
the choke lever(on enginesso
equipped) to the "NO CHOKE",
"CHOKEOFF"or "RUN" position.
(c) Leavethe EngineThrottle Control
Leverinthe "FAST"setting.
9. For electric starting models (E666M):
(a) Turn the engine ignition keyto the
"START"setting and allow the
starter motor to crank the enginefor
several seconds. Avoid cranking the
engine longer than 15 secondsat a
time as doing so could damagethe
starter motor. NOTE: Referto the
EngineOwner's Manualfor detailed
starting instructions.
(b) Whenthe engine starts, releasethe
keyand it will return to the "RUN"
(c) Graduallymovechoke lever(on
enginesso equipped)to "NO
(d) Leavethe EngineThrottle Control
Leverinthe "FAST"setting.
To Startthe ElectricStartEngineWith
the Recoil StarterRope
If necessary,the electric start engine can
be startedwith the recoilstarter rope by
following the steps below:
1. If the battery is not "dead" or
damaged,leaveit connectedto thetiller
so it will be recharged during engine
operation. Makesure the battery cells are
filled to the UPPERLEVELline with elec-
2. If the battery is "dead" or damaged,
remove it (refer to "Battery Removaland
Installation" in Section 5) and haveit
tested. Beforestarting engine,cover the
terminal on the loose end of the positive
(+) cable with the insulated boot and
secure it in placewith electricaltapeto
prevent electricalsparks.
3. Put the ignition key in the "RUN"
position and thenfollow Steps 1-8 of
"Starting the Engine."
1. Tostop the wheels andtines, release
the ForwardClutch Control levers or the
ReverseClutch Control knob (whichever
control is engaged).
2. Tostop the engine on the recoil start
model, move the EngineThrottle Control
Leverto the "STOP" position.
3. Tostop theengine on anelectric start
model, move the ignition keyto "OFF".
IMPORTANT:After stopping an electric
start engine, removethe ignition keyfrom
the switch to reduce the possibility of
unauthorizedstarting of the engine.
Thefollowing pages provideguidelines to
usingyour tiller effectively andsafely in
various gardening applications. Besure
to read"Tilling Tips & Techniques" in this
Section beforeyou actually put the tines
intothe soil.
This isa traditional "standard rotating
tine" tiller with forward rotating tines. It
operatescompletely differently from CRT
(CounterRotating Tines)tillers or from
low-cost front tine tillers.
1. Followthe "Pre-Start Checklist" on the
previous page. Besure that the Wheel
GearLeveris in the ENGAGEposition.
2. Put the Depth Regulator Leverin the
"travel" position (lever all the way down)
so that the tines areclear of the ground.
Usethis position when practicingwith
your tiller or when moving to or from the
garden. Whenyou are readyto begin
tilling, you must movethe Depth Regula-
tor Leverto the desired depth setting (see
"Tilling Tips & Techniques").
3. Start theengine and allow itto warm
up. Whenwarm, put EngineThrottle
Control Leverin "FAST"speedsetting.
Keepawayfrom rotatingtines. Rotating
tines will causeinjury.
4. For forward motion of the wheels and
(a) Pull one or both of the Forward
Clutch Control Levers up andhold
them against the handlebars. To
stop forward motion of the wheels
and tines, releasethe levers.