Pull the Wheels/Tines/PTO Lever back to align the forward
most holes in the yoke plate with the holes in the lever
plates. Also align the bushing that is inside the short link
bar. Install the screw, star washer, and nut, then tighten
securely. Securely tighten all other hardware. Also ensure
that the spring is properly seated at both ends. Completed
assembly should appear as illustrated in Fig. 3-10.
Test the operation of the Wheels/Tines/PTO Lever. Push the
lever down until it engages in the Forward position. The
clutch roller must rest beneath the adjustment block. Next,
move the lever up to the Neutral position. See Fig. 3-11.
To test Reverse, lift and hold the lever all the way up in
the Reverse position, then let it go. The lever should
automatically return to the Neutral position. See Fig.
3-12. If not, do not use the tiller. See your local authorized
dealer or call the Factory Technical Service Department for
Forward Hole
Short Link Bar
Clutch Pawl Spring
Figure 3-10
Clutch Roller
Adjustment Block
Figure 3-11
Clutch Roller
Adjustment Block
Figure 3-12
9sectiOn 2 — asseMbly & set-up