Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug. J
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units soequipped. J
Failure to follow these instructionscan result in serious personal injury or propertydamage.
Beforeeachuse, checkyour tiller for
signs of an oil leak- usuallya dirty, oily
accumulation either on the unit or on the
floor where it has beenparked.
A little seepagearounda cover or oil seal
is usually not a causefor alarm. However,
if the oil drips overnight then immediate
attention is neededas ignoring a leakcan
result in severetransmission damage.
If a cover is leaking,try tightening any
loosescrews or bolts. If the fastenersare
tight, a new gasketor oil seal may be
required. If the leakisfrom around a
shaft and oil seal,the oil seal probably
needsto be replaced. Seeyourautho-
rizeddealeror contact thefactory for
service or advice.
IMPORTANT:Neveroperatethetiller if
the transmission is low on oil. Checkthe
oil levelafter every30 hours of operation
and wheneverthere is any oil leakage.
Checkthe transmission gear oil levelafter
every30 hours of operation or whenever
you notice anyoil leak. Operatingthe
tiller when the transmission is low on oil
can result in severedamage.
A. To CheckTransmissionGearOil
1. Checkthegear oil level when thetrans-
mission is cool. Gearoil will expandin
warm operating temperaturesand this
expansionwill provide an incorrect oil
2. To checkthe gear oil level(and to add
oil, if necessary),referto "STEP5: Check
GearOil Levelin Transmission" in Section
2 of this manual.
B. To Drainand Refill theTransmission:
Thetransmission gear oil doesnot need
to be changedunless it hasbeencontami-
natedwith dirt, sandor metal particles.
1. Prop up the left sideof the unit sothat
it will be securelysupported when the left
sidewheel is removed. Removethe left
sidewheel by removing the wheelmount-
ing hardware.
2. Unscrewthe plasticgear oil fill plug
from the top of the transmission.
3. Placea clean pan belowthetransmis-
sion drain plug (seeFigure5-3) and
remove the drain plug. Theoil will start
flowing out of thedrain hole (it may flow
slowly, especiallyin cold temperatures).
4. Removethe transmission gear oil level
check plug that is locateda few inches
abovethe left side wheelshaft.
5. Whenthe oil stops flowing, tilt the
transmission forward to drain oil from the
rear of the transmission.
6. After draining the oil, cleanthe threads
of the drain plug, applya non-hardening
removablegasket sealantto the threads,
and securelyreinstall the drain plug.
7. Using a cleanfunnel, slowly add SAE
140 or SAE85W-140 weight gearoil
(with an API rating of GL-4 only)to the
transmission. Thetransmission holds
approximately 3-1/4 pints (52-54
ounces). Tilt thetiller slightly backwards
to makesurethe gear oil reachesthe rear
(tine) endof thetransmission. Stop
adding gear oil when it beginsto flow
from the oil level check hole on the side of
the transmission.
8. Securelyreinstall the oil levelcheck
9. Securelyreinstall the gearoil fill plug
on top of thetransmission.
18. Reinstallthe wheeland remove the