• Console Redirect Panel
o Click “Console Redirect Panel” to
begin console redirect via LAN
feature of the target system
o “Start” Icon
- Click the icon to start console
redirect via LAN feature of the
target system
o “Stop” Icon
- Click the Stop icon to stop the
console redirect via LAN feature
of the target system.
5.6.3 Discovery Setting
• Discovery setting dialog
o Enable or Disable discover BMC
or TSO Agent
o Set the interval between the two
to discover action
o Enable or Disable save the
discovered system record on TSO
o When an OS is running on a
server with BMC, the Broadcast
ASF Ping will be ignored by the
OS TCP/IP stack. You will need to
enable the “Scan IP” function to
discover the BMC.
o If you install the TSO Agent on the
server with BMC, you also can
“Discover the BMC via Agent”
while the OS is running.