
The SPS has one programmable relay, Aux 1, with one set of voltage-free contacts (see
The Alarm Relay 4100-6033 is fitted as standard to 4100U-S1. This has 3 relays, each
with one set of normally open (or normally closed) contacts available on a screw terminal
block (see Chapter 4).
The relay must be configured in the Programmer.
The relay circuit is rated to switch 2A resistive or 1A inductive at 30VAC or 32VDC.
Relay contacts are Form C voltage-free contacts (but with a 40V transorb from
common to Earth). Do not switch voltages greater than this rating, or damage may
When power through the relay contacts is provided by the SPS Auxiliary Power
output, wiring is power-limited.
The relay circuit is not supervised.
The three relays have default functions of Fault (trouble), Isolate (supervisory) and
Alarm, and are typically used for Brigade Signalling (refer to Chapter 4 for jumper
settings and other Brigade device information).
Continued on next page
SPS Relay Wiring
Aux 1 Relay
Alarm Relay Card