Installation Manual P700WLS ioProx Receiver
Receiver Relay
The receiver relay activates for one second when a valid button on the transmitter triggers the
receiver. The relay on the receiver can be used for testing purposes by adding an audible or visual
device to confirm the receiver is receiving the signal consistently from the desired location of the
Receiver Mounting Location
Antennas should be mounted as far away from the ceiling or wall as possible – a minimum of 10 cm (4
in) is required. For maximum range, mount antennas vertically, as high as possible and in line of sight.
The location should offer protection from vandalism.
The receiver unit can also be mounted flush with a wall or ceiling if the antenna is remotely connected
with a coaxial patch cord and mounted 10 cm. (4 in.) from the wall or ceiling surface. (Refer to Figure
4). Limit the length of the 50-ohm coaxial cable (RG-58/U) to less than 4.5 m. (15 ft.) and use
weatherproof F-connectors if mounting the cable outside. Water droplets accumulating inside an F-
connector will short out the cable. For best performance, mount the antenna vertically.
DO NOT mount receiver and antenna near any source of interference (i.e. proximity
card readers, other RF receivers, motors, etc) or metal structures (i.e. pipes). The
greater the height and distance between the antenna and the source of interference
the better – a minimum of 2.4 m (8 ft) is recommended. Installing antennas too close
to an electrical source will affect performance.
material -
eg. wood
Minumum four
(4) inches
from wall
Wall Mounted
Ceiling Mounted
Figure 4 Wall and Ceiling Mounted Receivers
* L-Brackets are not included