
From the DIAG level, you can check battery power levels, RF power
levels, and antenna mismatch.
Battery Check
Check the DC power levels if you feel your radio is not performing
1. Once DIAG displays, press MENU/OK; VOLT displays.
2. Press MENU/OK; the battery voltage displays for 2 seconds and
then the battery voltage condition displays:
PASS - Voltage is good.
FAILLO - Voltage is too low.
FAILHI - Voltage is too high.
3. Press MENU/OK to return to the DIAG level.
Antenna Mismatch Check
An antenna mismatch indicates that reception quality may be impaired.
1. Once DIAG displays, press MENU/OK; VOLT displays.
2. Turn Channel Selector until ANT displays.
3. Press MENU/OK. GO PTT displays.
4. Press and hold PTT. The Antanna Mismatch condition, PASS or
FAIL, displays.
5. Release PTT and press MENU/OK to return to the DIAG level.
RF Power Check
RF alerts indicate that the transmission levels are not acceptable.
1. Once DIAG displays, press MENU/OK; VOLT displays.
2. Turn Channel Selector until RF OUT displays.
3. Press MENU/OK. GO PTT displays.
4. Press and hold PTT. The RF power condition, PASS or FAIL,
displays. (If FAIL displays, refer to the Troubleshooting section,
page 16.)
5. Release PTT: GO PTT displays.
6. Press MENU/OK to return to the DIAG level.