4. SQUELCH: The squelch control is normally set to a position which just
eliminates undesired background noise with no signal present. With the audio
volume adjusted to a satisfactory level, rotate the Squelch control clockwise to
the point where the sound from the speaker is cut off. In this position, there will
be no sound from the speaker until a signal is received. In order to hear weak
signals, it may be necessary to rotate the Squelch control counterclockwise,
allowing some background noise to be heard.
5. CLARI FIER: The clarifier is normally set to the center position. This feature
has several uses and can greatly enhance receiver operation. If a receive signal
is slightly off frequency, this control can be operated to optimize the receive
signal. This control is primarily intended to tune in SSB signals, but, it may be
also used to optimize the AM signal.
6. MIKEGAIN: This control is used to adjust, as required, microphone input
sensitivity for optimum amount of modulation in transmit UNIDEN's citizen's
band transceivers have been designed to permit the user to attain levels of
modulation up to 100% depending on the setting of the microphone gain
control, using the microphone provided with the unit. UNIDEN's automatic
compression and peak limiting circuits assure maximum modualtion with mini-
mum distortion.
7. DIMMER SWITCH: This switch is used to adjust the brightness of the LED
channel display and the meter. 0 IM position reduces brightness.
8. CH9 SWITCH: This switch is for use when emergency communication is needed
on the emergency channel CH9. Pressing the CH9 switch activates CH9
regardless of the position of the channel selector switch. When CH9 switch is
pressed, the channel display is blanked and the CH9 indicator is activated.
9. PA-CB SWITCH: This control engages the PA function. The PA function should
not be used unless an external speaker is connected. In the CB position, the PA
function is disabled and the radio will transmit and receive on the selected
10. NB/ANL SWITCH: When the switch is placed in the NB/ANL position, both of
RF Noise Blanker and Automatic Noise Limiter circuits are activated. The
NB is very effective for repetitive impulse noise such as ignition noise. The
ANL reduces annoying hash-type noises.
11. RF GAIN: This control is used primarily to optimize reception in strong signal
areas. Gain is reduced by counterclockwise rotation of the control.
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