Thank you for purchasing a Uniden BC95XLT
Handheld Scanner. The scanner is versatile,
compact, and easy to use. In addition to its
standard scanning features, your scanner also
includes Close Call
RF capture technology
designed to help you detect and identify strong local
radio signals in your area.
You can program up to 200 frequencies into the
scanner's memory either manually or using optional
PC software. The scanner lets you scan
transmissions and is preprogrammed with service
banks for your convenience. You can quickly search
those frequencies most commonly used by police
and other agencies, without tedious and
complicated programming. The scanner gives you
direct access to over 40,000 exciting frequencies.
Use your scanner to monitor:
• Police and fire departments (including rescue
and paramedics)
• NOAA weather transmissions
• Business/Industrial radio
• Utilities
• Marine and amateur (ham radio) bands
• Air band