20 unigreen
(Tables on pages 25 - 30)
The tables on pages 25-30 let you easily calculate the distribution in litres/
hectare of the atomisers with the standard fittings, proceeding as indicated
a) Choose the table relevant to the blower group of the atomiser in question (the
main reference is the number of jets)
b) Find the distance between the rows of the vegetation and the diameter of the
nozzles used (ceramic plates, TR or TXA).
c) In the horizontal strip, choose the working speed and the distribution in litres/
hectare and on the vertical scale find the pressure to use.
d) Adjust the pressure to obtain the treatment required.
If the distance between the rows is different from that in the table you can easily
calculate the distribution in proportion: for example with a distance between the
rows of 8 m, divide the figure for the litres/hectare of the distance between the 4
m rows by half, with a distance between the rows of 2.5 m double the figure for
the distance between the 5 m rows.
The last line of the table indicates the overall delivery of the fan.
If the atomiser is fitted with non-standard nozzles, the spraying tables of the
single nozzles per atomiser are on page 34.
To calculate the distribution in litres/hectare, use the following formula:
Vd = 600 x Q
I x V where: Vd = volume to distribute (L/ha)
Q = sum of the nozzles delivery (L/min)
I = distance between the rows (m)
V = tractor speed (Km/h)
Distance between the rows: 5 m
Speed: 6 Km. / h
Working air pressure 30 bar
Fan Ø 800 with 14 standard, high volume nozzles (Ø 1.0)
Q total delivery of the nozzles (Tab. 1 page 34) 2.96x14= 41.44 L/min
Vd = 600 x 41.44 = 829 L/ha
5 x 6
N.B. : Depending on the season the vegetation may be more or less luxuriant;
bear this in mind before starting the treatment. If the plants don’t have much
foliage you should diminish the quantity of litres per hectare using lower
pressures or closing one or more jets of the fan.
( Tables on pages 31-33 )
Atomisers with a cannon blower group are mainly intended for treating forest
trees or other tall plants that it is impossible to drive into with the sprayer (for
example tobacco or similar cultivations). They are also frequently used in culti-
vation under mobile greenhouses.
When shooting the atomised chemical mix at distances, that can even be over
40 m, it isn’t possible to verify with the exact distribution on the area treated.
Due to the effect of the wind, the presence of turbulence and the obstacle of
the same plants being treated, we don’t recommend using cannons with
chemical products that need to be distributed with great precision.
Don’t use herbicides or similar products.
a) Use the tables of pages 31-33 choosing the one relevant to the type of
cannon to use and the number of jets.
b) On the last line choose the delivery in L/minute that goes with the chosen
working pressure.
c) Then spray the litres desired on the plant defining the necessary treatment time.
When treating a poplar grove or in similar situation there are photocells for the
automatic management of the opening of the jet in the presence of the plant to
treat, available on request.
NB: for calculating a different space between
rows simply multiply the litres/hectare value by
the corresponding width indicated in the table
and divide it by the new width.
in the table: 907 Lt/ha with a space between the
rows of 3m
907x3 = 971 Lt/ha with a space between
2,8 the rows of 2.8m