• "rumoffallcontrolsandallowthemo-
tor to stop beforedisconnectingthe
• Disconnect the unit from the power
source when not in use. Do notleave
the unitwhen it _ plugged into outlet.
• Do notset th_unit downv_ile the mo-
tor is running. Debds such as gravel,
sand, dust, grass, etc., could be
pickedupby the air intakeendthrown
out through the d_schargeopening,
damaging the unit, property, or caus-
ingserious injuryto bystandersor op
• Donotoverreach oruse fromunstable
surfacessuchas ladders,trees,steep
slopes, rooftops,etc. Use extra care
when cleaning on stairways. Keep
firm footing and balance at all times.
Keep hands out of tubes.
• Inspectthe entire unitbeforeeach use
forworn, loose, missing,or damaged
pads. Do not use until the unit is in
• Disconnect unit frompower source
maintenance, or stonng.
This unitis Double Insulated. See the
Have all internalse_ce performed by
quarrfiedservice repair personnel to
avoid creating a hazard or voiding
• Store the unit unplugged in a high,
cool,dry, indoorarea out ofthe reach
of children.
i Uce onlyrecommended attachments
and replacement pads to avoid creat-
_g a hazard an_or voi_ng warranty.
Maintainme unit eccoroingto recom-
• mended procedures.
• Use only for jobs explained in this
• Use onlyindaylightoringoodartificial
light. . .
• Inspectthe area .beforeusingthe unit.
Remove all debns and hard objects
such .as rocks, glass, wire, etc., that
can ncochet, be thrown, or otherwise
cause injun/or dama.ge.
• Avoida.ccide.ntalstarting.Be sure the
switch is in the "offfpassionand keep
your har_.,and ringers away from the
switchwhdeoonneoring the unittothe
powersource or when carrying a unit
connected to the .powersource.
• Never runthe unitwithoutthe proper
equipmentattached. When used as a
blower, always install a blower tube.
Use onlyrecommendedattachments.
Do notusewith any oponin_lblocked,
Keepfree fromdust, lint:ha=rand any-
. thingthat may reduceair flow.
To avoid spreading fire, do not use
blower near leaf or brush fires, fire-
your warranty, p!aces, barbecue pits,ashtrays, etc,
• Have all maintenance other than the • Never place objects insidethe blower
recommended pro_Jdures desoribed • tubes; always direct the blowing de-
in the Operator's Manual performed brisawayf.rompeople,animals,glass,
by your Sears Service Center. and solid objectssuch astrees, auto-
. Always see your Sears Sennce Can- mobiles,walls, etc.Theforceof alrcan
ter to replace a damaged impeller, cause rocks,dirt,orstickstobethrown
Pads that are chipped, cracked, bro- ortoricochetwhichcan hurtpeople or
ken, or damaged inany otherway can animals, break glass, or cause other
fly apart and cause sedous Inlury,Re- damage. . . . .
placedamaged pads before usingthe Never use for sprecoing cnemmak%
und. fertfllzers, or any other substances
whichmay containtoxic materials.
• Ne_'erplace anyobjectinthe air intake
- -opening as this could restrict proper VACUUM SAFETY (ifapplicable)
• alrflowandcause_amagetotheunit. • Stop the motor and disconnect the
Never dousethe unitwithwater oroth
er liquidsor squirt with a water hose.
Clean with a damp s_onge and mild
soal_.,See "STORAGE;
• Check air intake openings and tubes
frequently, always with the unit
stopped and power source discon.
nected. Keep vents and tubes free
from debris which can accumulate
and restrictproper air flow.
• Donotbum, incinerate, or exposethis
unitto extreme heat.
po.wersource before opening the air
,nletdoor or attemptingto insertor re-
move the vacuum tuSes. The motor
must be stopped and the impeller
blades nolongertummg to avoid seri-
ous injuryfrom the rotatingblades.
• Hard obj.e_-tscan be thrown through
the collectionbag orthe housingand
become dangerous, missiles which
can cause serious injuryto the opera-
tor or others.
• When.usinp _e vacuum attachment,
the unitisdesignedto pickup dryma-
terial such as leaves, grass, small