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How to operate your cleaner
emove solution tank cap.
Do not overfill. You should leave
1-2 cm of air space.
Fill the tank with VAX AAA Carpet Cleaner.
The cleaner can be stored with solution in the
solution tank. It does not have to be removed
after each use. However the solution tanks
should be rinsed out periodically.
Note: One fill up of the solution tank will last for
approximately 4 clean water reservoir fill ups.
eplace the solution tank cap.
Return the solution tank to the
cleaner making sure the solution
tube lines up with the groove in the
back of the solution tank. Firmly
press the solution tube into the plug
opening of the solution tank.
How to operate your cleaner
Remove the clean water tank cap and
put in a safe place. Slowly fill the clean
water tank with hot tap water and
replace the cap.
Return clean water tank by lining
up the grooves of the clean water
tank with the support posts on the
inside of the handle. Rock clean
water tank inward until it locks into
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