30 © 2007 VBrick Systems, Inc.
IP Receiver Type Select MPEG or Windows Media.
IP Address IP address of upgrade server where the Release Package files are
Username Name of FTP account on the upgrade server.
Password Password used to login to the FTP server.
Path The relative path to the folder in which Release Package files are
located. Enter a relative path for the configured username. Do not
enter an absolute path. (Note that the Release Packages are
numbered incrementally in separate folders.)
Upgrade using
management SAPs
Upgrade using the SAP
(Session Announcement
Protocol) emitted by the
IPR. This automatically
populates the list box with
all available IPRs. Select
individual units and click
Start Upgrade. A popup
will prompt for Username
and Password. Note that all WM IPRs must have the same user
name and password. If some are different, the upgrade will fail
with a message shown in the
Status column (see Table 2, SAP