Tax 2 Key change to FV key
Memory Total key change to Amount key
Memory Minus key change to Interest key
Memory Plus key change to Months key
Memory Subtotal key change to Payment key
Note: Cost-Sell-Margin is disabled when in this mode.
5. • ∑/Loan FV Sigma/Loan and Futre Value Switch
F-Cal=Off • work as Sigma off
∑ work as Sigma on
F-Cal = ON • work as Loan
∑ work as FV
When the Sigma switch is in the “∑” position, the results of
multiplication or division calculations completed by the = or % key are
automatically added to the accumulator.
• When the Sigma switch is in this position, the results of these
calculations are not added to the accumulator. The sum of these
accumulations is displayed by depressing the Subtotal key and are
displayed and cleared by depressing the Total key.
(Sigma On)
ma Off) (Sig
Loan Basic Financial Calculation
FV Calculation for Future Value
6. • GT Grand Total Switch
• Calculation without Grand Total
GT 1570-6: Any total taken with T key is automatically accumulated to
Grand Total memory. The accumulated grand total can be recalled by
pressing the IIT key then the T key.
1560-6 & 1530-6: Any total taken with T key is automatically
accumulated to memory. The accumulated grand total can be recalled
by pressing the MT key.
NOTE: For model 1560-6 and 1530-6, when F-Cal switch is ON,
Grand Total is inaccessible because MT is Amount Key.
7. [↑]
Paper Feed Key
Advance the paper roll.
8. [∆%] Delta Percentage
Automatically compares any two amounts and then calculates and
prints the difference and percent of change.
9. [TIME/DATE CAL] Time/DATE Calculation Key
Pressing this key once will set the calculator to Time Mode. +, -, S and
T will be calculated and displayed in Time Mode (hours, minutes). A
second depression will set the calculator and display to Date Mode
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