
BBeeffoorree YYoouu UUssee YYoouurr NNeeww RRaannggeettoopp
18. This appliance is not connected to a combustion products
evacuation device. It shall be installed and connected in
accordance with current installation regulations giving particular
attention to the relevant requirements regarding ventilation.
All products are wiped clean with solvents at the factory to
remove any visible signs of dirt, oil, and grease which may have
remained from the manufacturing process. Before starting to cook,
clean the range thoroughly with hot, soapy water.
SStteeeell GGrriiddddllee//SSiimmmmeerr PPllaattee ((IIff aapppplliiccaabbllee))
The griddle is a heavy-weight, polished steel griddle that has a
USDA authorized protective coating. Before using, remove protective
coating with room temperature club soda using a Scotch Brite
scour pad. It is very important to season the griddle by coating lightly
with cooking oil.
GGrriillll ((IIff aapppplliiccaabbllee))
The grates should be removed and washed in hot soapy water,
rinsed and then replaced prior to use. Other grill parts should be
removed, dusted, and replaced making sure that no flammable
materials have ben accidentally placed in the grill.
DDrriipp TTrraayy//PPaann
The drip tray should be pulled out and checked for flammable
materials. Make sure to unwrap the drip pan and replace it in its
proper place under the griddle or grill (if applicable).
UUssiinngg YYoouurr RRaannggeettoopp
LLiigghhttiinngg tthhee BBuurrnneerrss
To light the burners, turn the appropriate control knob counter
clockwise to any position. This control is both a gas valve and an
electric switch. Burners will ignite at any “on” position with the
automatic reignition system. If the flame goes out for any reason, the
burners will automatically reignite if the gas is still flowing. When gas is
permitted to flow to the burners, the electric igniters start sparking.
On all surface igniters you should hear a “clicking” sound. If you do
not, turn off the control and check that the unit is plugged in and that
the fuse or circuit breaker is not blown or tripped.
Within a few moments, enough gas will have traveled to the
burner to be able to light. When the burner lights, turn the burner
control to any position to adjust the flame size. Setting the proper
height for the desired cooking process and selected utensil will result in
superior cooking performance, while also saving time and energy.
WWookk PPaann ww//LLiidd ((IIff aapppplliiccaabbllee))
Remove all packaging materials and temporary labels from the
wok. Clean thoroughly with hot soapy water and dry thoroughly.
Apply a light coat of vegetable oil (do not use corn oil) to the entire
inside surface with a paper towel. Heat the wok on medium setting
until the cooking surface turns golden brown. Repeat this procedure
several times. This seasoning seals the pores of the metal, keeps food
from sticking, and prevents the wok from rusting. Wipe off excess oil
before using or storing.
UUssiinngg tthhee TTrriivveett GGrraattee
((CCeenntteerr WWookk GGrraattee))
The trivet grate converts
the large burner grate to
a grate suitable for use
with large stock pots. To
use the trivet grate,
place the small grate in
the center of the large
grate. Turn the trivet
grate until the feet on
the trivet grate rests
inside the notches
located on the center
ring of the large grate.
Trivet grate
WWookk OOppeerraattiioonn
((IIff aapppplliiccaabbllee))