
DDiissppllaayy LLiigghhttss
•Deactivate temperature display lights by pressing
Display On
then pressing
Display Off
•Activate temperture display lights by pressing
Display On
MMaaxx FFrreeeezzeerr MMooddee
Max freezer mode adjusts freezer temperature to the coldest setting for
24 hours. Then freezer temperatures automatically return to the
previous setting.
•Activate max freezer mode by pressing
Display On
pad then
pad. Indicator light will glow.
•Deactivate max freezer mode before automatic reset by pressing
Display On
pad then the
Max Frz
DDoooorr OOppeenn AAllaarrmm
Door open alarm sounds and indicator light blinks if either door is
open for more than 3 minutes.
•Deactivate door open alarm by pressing
Alarm Off
pad or closing
either door.
HHiigghh TTeemmppeerraattuurree AAllaarrmm
High temperature alarm sounds and indicator light glows if refrigerator
or freezer temperature is high for 2 hours. A blinking light signals
affected compartment. Alarm ends when proper temperature is
•Deactivate high temperature alarm by pressing
Alarm Off
TThheerrmmiissttoorr AAllaarrmm
Thermistor electronically senses refrigerator and freezer temperatures.
Thermistor alarm sounds and indicator lights scroll if refrigerator or
freezer thermistor is still not operating properly. The alarm can be
deactivated by pressing
Alarm Off
on control panel
IIff tthheerrmmiissttoorr aallaarrmm ssoouunnddss,, ccoonnttaacctt aann aauutthhoorriizzeedd VViikkiinngg RRaannggee
CCoorrppoorraattiioonn tteecchhnniicciiaann iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy..
Alarm Off
pad is pressed,
thermistor control retests to confirm situation has been corrected.
Alarm will sound again if thermistor is still not operating properly.
HHoolliiddaayy MMooddee FFeeaattuurree ffoorr SSaabbbbaatthh OObbsseerrvvaannccee
Before the Holiday mode is engaged, the bale arm of the ice maker
needs to be raised until it clicks into the detent. This turns off the
power to the ice maker.
MMooddee EEnnttrryy
: To enter Holiday Mode the user must press and hold
DISPLAY ON and then DISPLAY OFF for 3 seconds. The control shall
beep 3 times and light the 3 right blue squares to alert the user that
Holiday mode has been entered. When the control enters Holiday
mode it will disable the interior lights, display (excluding the 3 right
hand side lit blue squares), and alarm enunciators.
PPoowweerr LLoossss
: If in Holiday Mode and the control experiences a Long
Power Loss, it will return to Holiday Mode when power is regained.
EExxiittiinngg HHoolliiddaayy MMooddee
To exit Holiday Mode the user will again
press and hold
Display On
and then
Display Off
for 3 sec and 3 beeps
shall alert the user the Holiday Mode has been exited. The control shall
return to Normal Mode. Once the unit is back in the Normal mode,
the bale arm of the ice maker needs to pushed downward until it is no
longer in the detent. This will restore power to the ice maker.