10.4.1 Processor Reset
This Error Code is returned after :
Power-up reset
The watchdog timer resets the Master processor
The Master processor resets the Slave processor
10.4.2 Command Error
This Error Code is returned when the A32PID receives a command that is
not a Block Read or a Block Write.
10.4.3 Data Boundary Error
This Error Code is returned when:
A Read command attempts to read beyond the 32 byte boundary of
byte-size variables
A Read command attempts to read beyond the 64 byte boundary of
word-size variables
A Read command is received that specifies the number of bytes to read
as 0
AWritecommand attempts to write beyondthe32 byte boundary of
byte-size variables
A Write command attempts to write beyond the 64 byte boundary of
word-size variables
10.5. Data Table Addresses
Variable Number Size Hex Byte Range Octal Word Range
Prop. Gain 32 Byte 0100 - 011F 200 - 217
Rate 32 Byte 0120 - 013F 220 - 237
Reset 32 Byte 0140 - 015F 240 - 257
Input Type 32 Byte 0160 - 017F 260 - 277
Output Value 32 Byte 0180 - 019F 300 - 317
Output Type 32 Byte 01A0 - 01BF 320 - 337
Output Filter 32 Byte 01C0 - 01DF 340 - 357
Cycle Time 32 Byte 01E0 - 01FF 360 - 377
Alarm Deviation 32 Byte 0200 - 021F 400 - 417
Setpoint 32 Word 0220 - 025F 420 - 457
Measured Value 32 Word 0260 - 029F 460 - 517
Ambients 08 Byte 02A0 - 02A7 520 - 523
Digital I/O's 01 Byte 02A8 524
Alarm Status 08 Byte 02B0 - 02B7 530 - 533
Heater Check 33 Byte 02BC 536
EEROM Save --- ----- 02BE 537
DACQ Input Type 64 Byte 02C0 - 02FF 540 - 577
DACQ Meas. Val. 64 Word 0300 - 037F 600 - 677