9Part Number 550-110-592/1000
Figure 4
Automatic air
Automatic air vents (if used)
1. See Figure 4.
2. Remove the cap from any
automatic air vent in the system
and check operation by
depressing valve
B slightly with
the tip of a screwdriver.
3. If the air vent valve appears to
be working freely and not
leaking, replace cap
A, twisting
all the way on.
4. Loosen cap A one turn to allow
vent to operate.
5. Have vent replaced if it does not
operate correctly.
Pilot burner flame
Proper pilot flame (see Figure 5):
1. Blue flame.
2. Inner cone engulfing thermocouple or thermopile
(standing pilot) or pilot flame sensor (spark-ignited
3. Thermocouple or thermopile, or pilot flame sensor
glowing cherry red.
Improper pilot flame:
1. Overfired — Large flame lifting or blowing past pilot
flame sensor.
2. Underfired — Small flame. Inner cone not engulfing
pilot flame sensor.
3. Lack of primary air — Yellow flame tip.
4. Incorrectly heated pilot flame sensor.
Main burner flame
Proper main burner flame (see Figure 6):
1. Yellow-orange streaks may appear (caused by dust).
Improper main burner flame:
1. Overfired — Large flames.
2. Underfired — Small flames.
3. Lack of primary air — Yellow tipping on flames
(sooting will occur).
Pilot flame
sensor (spark-
ignited pilots)
Thermocouple or thermopile
(standing pilots)
— or —
blue flame
Inner flame
Figure 5 Pilot burner and flame, typical
Figure 6 Main burner flame, typical
❏ Check monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clean vent termination & air
intake screens
— CGs boilers only
1. Remove all lint and debris from both the boiler air
intake screen and the flue discharge screen.
The boiler control module will sense blockage of
the air intake or flue and lockout if the blockage is
excessive. It will signal the failure by flashing the
appropriate indicator lights on the control board.
2. If removing the debris does not allow the boiler to
operate correctly afterwards, contact your qualified
service technician to inspect the boiler and vent/
air systems.
Check condensate drain
1. Inspect condensate drain fittings and tubing. Verify
that condensate can flow freely to drain.