Part number 550-101-235/0903
Figure 7 Multiple vent/air terminations (must
also comply with Figure 4)
Figure 8 Multiple vent/air terminations (must
also comply with Figure 4)
(Apply this method only where exit openings
are too low to provide minimum 12 inch
clearance above grade/snow line.)
Vent/air termination — sidewall
Multiple vent/air terminations
1. When terminating multiple Ultra boilers, terminate
each vent/air connection as described in this
All vent pipes and air inlets must
terminate at the same height to avoid
possibility of severe personal injury, death
or substantial property damage.
2. Place wall penetrations to obtain minimum
clearance of 12 inches between vent pipe and
adjacent air inlet elbow, as shown in Figure 7 or
Figure 8 for U. S. installations. For Canadian
installations, provide clearances required by CSA
B149.1 or B149.2 Installation Code.
3. The air inlet of an Ultra boiler is part of a direct
vent connection. It is not classified as a forced air
intake with regard to spacing from adjacent boiler
Termination and fittings
1. Prepare the vent termination elbow and the air
termination elbow (Figure 6) by inserting the bird
screens provided with the boiler. Bird screens are
provided for either 3-inch (Ultra-80, -105 and -155)
or 4-inch (Ultra-230 and -310) fittings.
a. If using 3-inch piping for an Ultra-230, cut the 4-
inch bird screen supplied by placing 3-inch fitting
on screen and cutting around it as a template.
2. When completed, the air termination coupling must
be oriented at least 12 inches below the vent
termination and at least 12 inches above grade or
snow line as shown in Figure 3, page 8.
3. You can orient the vent termination elbow either
directly outward or 90 degrees away from the air
inlet elbow as shown in Figure 3, page 8.
4. Maintain the required dimensions of the finished
termination piping as shown in Figure 3, page 8.
5. Do not extend exposed vent pipe outside of building
more than shown in this document. Condensate
could freeze and block vent pipe.