
The problems and corrections above represent common situations that can occur.
There may be others not listed above. It is important always to contact a qualified service techni-
cian if you have any questions about the operation of your boiler or system.
Rapid cycling - burner turns on and off
Thermostat installed where
drafts or heat affect reading.
Locate thermostat on inner wall away
from heat sources or cool drafts.
Heat anticipator in
thermostat adjusted
Adjust heat anticipator to match current
draw. Refer to boiler wiring diagram.
Incorrect limit setting. Have qualified service technician
increase limit setting to decrease cycling.
Maximum setting 220 deg. F.
Need to frequently add makeup water. Leaks in boiler or piping. Have qualified service technician repair
leaks at once to avoid constant use of
makeup water.
Popping or percolating noise heard in boiler. Mineral deposits in sections
due to constant use of
makeup water, or incorrect
Have qualified service technician de-lime
boiler, repair leaks at once to avoid
constant use of makeup water and check
pH (between 7.0 and 8.5).
Black water condition. Oxygen corrosion due to
leaks in piping.
Have qualified service technician repair
leaks at once to avoid constant use of
makeup water and check pH (between
7.0 and 8.5).
Frequent release of water through relief
Expansion tank sized too
small or water-logged.
Have qualified service technician check
expansion tank operation.
Metal flakes found in flueway. Contaminated combustion
air supply.
Remove sources of hydrocarbons in or
near boiler area. (Bleaches, cleaners,
chemicals, sprays, fabric softeners, paint
remover, etc.)
Condensation of
combustion gases.
Have qualified service technician check
boiler operation.
Some radiators or baseboard units do not
heat or are noisy.
Air in system. Bleed air from system through air vents
in radiators or baseboard units.
Low system pressure. Have qualified service technician check
for leaks in boiler or piping at once.
High limit set too low. Have qualified service technican adjust
limit to higher setting.
Domestic water from tankless heater is hot
then suddenly turns cold.
Domestic water from tankless heater is
always lukewarm.
Mineral deposits insulate
internal waterways of
Have qualified service technician delime
or replace coil.
Boiler stop-leak compound
has been added to boiler
water and is insulating
outside of coil.
Have qualified service technician remove
and clean coil AND drain and flush
boiler to remove stop-leak.
Incorrect mixing valve
setting for tankless heater.
Have quaified service technican adjust
mixing valve setting.
Domestic flow rate too high. Have qualified service technician install
flow check valve set to rating of tankless
Incorrect setting on tankless
heater control.
Have qualified service technician raise
tankless control setting. Adjust
differential on tankless control to lower