TW2000 10/6/05
2.3 Locating the Boiler
The location of the Boiler must be as close as possible to the tile-lined brick
chimney, or factory-built solid-fuel approved chimney (ULC S629). Keep in mind
also the day-to-day operation, and place for ease of fueling and cleaning.
To lighten the boiler for placement, all parts including firebrick and baffles can be
It is important to provide adequate combustion air to the Boiler. It may be
necessary to add a ventilator to an exterior wall of a closed Boiler room or an
airtight basement.
The Boiler must be installed so that the clearances on page 13, or those of local
authorities are met. If the Boiler must be installed on a combustible floor, a non-
combustible base must be built as shown in Figure TW - 8. Two layers of hollow
masonry block (4” thick) are placed at right angles to each other so that the
ventilation holes of one layer are opposite to those of the other layer. Also for
ember protection, there must be a minimum one layer of 26 ga. galvanized metal
beneath the masonry blocks. This base must extend beyond the Boiler to a
minimum distance of 18 in (457 mm) in front and 8 in. (204 mm) on all sides.
With the location of the boiler selected the next step is to position the unit and
proceed with assembly. If a noncombustible base is not required Kerr
recommends that the boiler be placed on masonry blocks (bricks or 8”concrete
blocks) if space permits, to allow easier fueling and to keep the KERR TW2000
boiler above any possible water in the basement. These blocks should extend
approximately 1” on all sides of the boiler to support the cabinet. Continue as
1. Plan all plumbing and electrical runs so that flue pipe is easily
removable for cleaning and to permit movement in the area as
2. Position masonry blocks and place the unit on top. Level the blocks as
3. Install the domestic coil if it is to be used, after removing the blank
4. Set the loading door in place on the hinges.
5. Install aquastat wells, tridicator and pipe fittings using good quality pipe
thread sealant or Teflon tape (Fig. TW-9).
6. Set each side panel in place with bottom of panel hooking over boiler
base rail angle. Top fits down over sides and boiler. A perfect fit may
be attained without any retaining screws.
7. Install the draft damper motor using the mounting holes provided, and
connect the chain to the damper and to the damper motor wheel.
Leave the bottom chain link open so that it may be disconnected in an