WiebeTech LLC
• UDV column description:
Number of this user data volume. Click below the
UDV No. to shows the details of this User data volume.
Name of this user data volume. Click below the
UDV Name to change the name this UDV.
Total capacity of this user data volume.
The status of this user data volume. Click
to bring
this UDV ON or OFF line.
Æ user data volume is online.
Æ user data volume is offline.
Æ user data volume has failed.
Status 1
Æ Write Through.
Æ Write Back.
Æ Read Only.
below the status to change the cache write
Status 2
Æ High priority.
Æ Mid priority.
Æ Low priority.
below the status to change the priority.
Status 3
I Æ user data volume is initializing.
R Æ user data volume is recovering.
Status 4
M Æ user data volume is in the process of migration.
R% Æ percentage complete for initializing or
The RAID level that user data volume is using.
The number of LUNs that this user data volume is
attached to.
ProSATA SS8 User Manual - 23 -