Rear Sight: The rear sight assembly is secured to the
tang of the rifle using the two screws supplied (Figure
4). When installing the rear sight assembly, use a
screwdriver of the correct size and be careful not to
mar or gouge the rifle’s finish.
The rear sight assembly features a detent that securely
holds the sight in place during use and allows it to be
folded down rearward for transportation. In the
folded position, the rear sight should not be allowed
to touch the buttstock of the rifle as it will mar the
rifle’s finish. (Figure 5). A small fabric or leather pad
inserted between the rear sight and the comb of the
buttstock may help prevent marring of both the sight
and the stock during transportation and storage.
The rear sight assembly allows you to choose from
sight disks in three different aperture sizes: .050",
.060", and .070". The size of the aperture is stamped
on the back side of the sight disk as 50, 60 or 70,
respectively. These apertures allow you to adjust to
changing light conditions.
The sight disk is threaded into the elevator and when
secured, performs a lock-down function to prevent
vertical movement of the elevator.
1: Sight Disk 2: Mounting Screws 3: Windage Knob 4: Rear Tang