6. Shortcut Key Explanation
In normal view mode, you can access functions by pressing special keys on the
REMOTE. These keys will be explained as follows:
1. Program List
Pressing OK or FAV on the REMOTE will display the Program List window. Press
FAV again or
keys to switch among favorite groups that you have defined
(refer to Favorite Edit).
are used to select the program that you want to
watch and OK to view in full screen.
Teletext/Closed caption
Where available, you can press
on the REMOTE to enter Ttx/CC, use to
select Teletext or Closed Caption and press OK key to enter. Press EXIT to finish.
Note TeleText is usually accessed from channel 7.
3. Information
When watching a channel, press
to switch channel, or press INFO for a
simple EPG banner that includes program information. A SD or HD mark will
display at top-right corner denoting resolution of broadcast program.
By pressing INFO again, a more detailed textbox appears showing more details
about the current program.
Press INFO once again to return to normal viewing.
Press EXIT key to exit from this banner at anytime.
4. Pause
When watching a program, the picture on the screen will be paused as soon as
key is pressed. Press key again to reactivate it.
5. EPG
Press EPG on the REMOTE to enter the Program Guide directly. For operation,
refer to Program Guide.