Oven temperature is too hot.
Food cooked in glass, glass ceramic or dark metal holds more heat than shiny metal pans.
Baking pan is too large for the recipe.
Change rack level or cooking mode.
Oven temperature setting is too high for the recipe.
Excessive smoke when broiling.
Using pan other than two-piece broiler pan.
Failure to trim off extra fat.
Lower rack level or shorten time.
Oven temperature is not hot enough.
Oven is not fully preheated.
Door is opened too often or left open.
Food is wrapped in foil; check mode for tips that give best results.
Pan is too small for the amount of food in it.
Warm air venting into kitchen after
oven has been turned off.
Warm air exhaust is a normal oven function, needed to maintain and cool down oven temperatures. It turns off automatically when the heat cools to a
safe temperature.
PROBE flashes in the display when using
probe feature.
Touch oven off.
Push probe into probe receptacle completely until it snaps into place.
Reset oven temperature and probe temperature.
Griddle or French Top continue to click.
When the thermostat is turned on, the red light illuminates and the gas solenoid opens. You will hear a series of sparks as it checks for the presence of
a flame. If the igniter does not detect a flame, the solenoid shuts off and there will be a delay before attempting to reignite. This will reoccur 3 times
and if it fails after the third time, it will shut down shortly to allow non-combusted gas to dissipate before attempting to reignite.