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Gelatin Cake
5 small packages of gelatin (for the tube or savarin pan)
1 small package of gelatin (for the center fill insert tube)
2 small packages of gelatin (for the round cake pan)
1 Make gelatin according to package directions. Spray pans lightly with
nonstick spray.
2 Pour gelatin into the tube or savarin pan and the round cake pan. Screw
on center fill insert before pouring completely full, then fill it to the top
by carefully pouring gelatin down the side of the pan. Let set for several
3 Remove center fill insert and pour remaining package of prepared gelatin
(cool it first) into the hollow tube of the insert. Chill until set and
assemble cake.
This is a great alternative cake, perfect for gluten free diets.
Use sugar-free gelatin if needed or desired. Use a variety of colors
and flavors.
Variations for the
Easy Vanilla Butter Cake Recipe
To make specialty cakes simply add the below ingredients to the vanilla
butter cake recipe.
1 Lively Lemon Cake: stir in the zest of one lemon and 2 teaspoons of
lemon oil and a bit of yellow food coloring, if desired.
2 Orange Creamsicle Cake: stir in the zest from one orange, 2 teaspoons
Fiori De Sicilia oil, and a bit of orange food coloring (or drops of red and
yellow food coloring to make orange.)
3 Pure Vanilla Cake: scrape the seeds from one Tahitian vanilla bean into
batter. Split bean from end to end with a small knife and gently scrape
out the sticky black paste. These are the vanilla bean seeds. There is no
comparison for the flavor they hold.
4 Maple Cake: add 2 teaspoons natural maple flavoring and a 1/2 cup of
toasted, finely chopped pecans.
5 Banana Cake: add 2 teaspoons natural banana flavoring and a few drops
yellow food coloring, if desired.
6 Pistachio Cake: add 1 teaspoon natural pistachio flavoring, a 1/2 cup
toasted, finely chopped pistachio nuts and a few drops green food
coloring, if desired.