Introduction 5
MAN0506 (Rev. 9/5/2008)
Both of the Woods Center Drive Shredder flail tubes
are balanced as rotor assemblies to meet or exceed
factory standards before installation. After installation,
the shredders are statistically inspected to check bal-
ance. These factory efforts allow the shredder to oper-
ate smoothly and be free of excessive vibration when
delivered to the customer.
■ The operator must be familiar with all safety
rules and safety decals before installing and run-
ning the shredder. All personnel must be familiar
with and stay out of the hazard area whenever the
shredder is running. (See Figure 18, page 22).
Smooth, acceptable vibration levels can be easily esti-
mated in the field. After machine shutdown and coast
down has been completed, place a quarter on a clean
top panel of the shredder. At full rotor rpm (while main-
taining all safety rules regarding safe distances from
rotating equipment) observe the quarter. If the quarter
stays still and does not bounce around, the operator
can estimate that the shredder is free from excessive
vibration. If the quarter jumps around during full rotor
rpm, the shredder may be operating with excessive
vibration where troubleshooting and maintenance are
required (refer to the Troubleshooting section).
The Woods Center Drive Flail Shredder has been
designed for maximum durability when shredding any
type of crop. While operating in the field, many factors
can affect and degrade shredder rotor balance and
cause increased vibration levels.
● Operating too low to the ground or in frequent con-
tact with the ground can cause the flail knives to
wear unevenly. This can reduce their chopping
effect and also increase vibration levels.
● Hitting large rocks or other foreign objects can
damage knives and other rotor parts, causing
excessive vibration.
● Over time, certain types of soil and crops can also
lead to uneven knife wear and increased vibration
● Once field operation has been started, it is the
operator’s responsibility to check and maintain
shredder rotor balance.
● If knife replacement is required due to wear or
damage, refer to REPLACING FLAILS, page 29.
● Throughout the life of the flail shredder, removing
the flail tubes for replacement or re-balance may
be necessary.
● If flail tube replacement is required due to wear or
damage, refer to SERVICING ROTORS (FLAIL
TUBES), page 30.
● Any re-balance should be done with all knives
● Factory balanced repair rotors are available
through your local Woods dealer.
● Consult with your local balance shop experts or
contact Woods Technical Service for re-balance or
replacement options.
Continued operation with excessive vibration can
cause damage to and shorten component life, void
product warranty, and affect personal safety. Checking
and maintaining shredder rotor balance is the owner/
operator’s responsibility.
The purpose of this manual is to assist you in operating
and maintaining your flail shredder. Read it carefully. It
furnishes information and instructions that will help you
achieve years of dependable performance. These
instructions have been compiled from extensive field
experience and engineering data. Some information
may be general in nature due to unknown and varying
operating conditions. However, through experience
and these instructions, you should be able to develop
procedures suitable to your particular situation.
The illustrations and data used in this manual were cur-
rent at the time of printing but, due to possible inline
production changes, your machine may vary slightly in
detail. We reserve the right to redesign and change the
machines as may be necessary without notification.
Throughout this manual, references are made to right
and left directions. These are determined by standing
behind the equipment facing the direction of forward