Operation 23
MAN0943 (07/12/2011)
3. Inspect the flails and rotors for damage or
entangled material. Remove entangled material.
Repair or replace damaged parts.
4. Inspect all hydraulic hoses, lines, couplers, and
fittings. Tighten all loose fittings. Replace any hose
that is cut, nicked, abraded, or separating from the
crimped end of a fitting.
5. Change gearbox oil.
6. Lubricate all grease fittings. Make sure all grease
cavities have been filled with grease to remove any
water residue from pressure washing.
7. Touch up all paint nicks and scratches to prevent
8. Move to storage area. Select a dry area free of
debris. Store in an area away from human activity.
9. Unhook from tractor (see Removing Shredder from
Tractor, page 18).
10. Place safety stands or large blocks under the
frame to take the load off the tires. NOTE: Do not
deflate tires.
11. If the unit cannot be placed indoors, cover with a
waterproof tarpaulin and tie securely. Store away
from human activity.
12. Do not allow children to play on or around the
stored unit.