52 Freedom SW 3000 Owner’s Guide
F6 Too many AC loads. Turn
some off, clear fault, try
Escalating Auto Fault.
Must occur 3 times in 30
seconds before becoming a
manual fault.
AC Overload Shutdown
Clear the fault and attempt restart. Reduce
AC loads.
Check that AC input wiring is not
connected to the AC output.
F9 Battery voltage is too high.
See guide.
Automatic DC Over Voltage
Clear the fault and attempt restart. Ensure
battery voltage is 10–16 VDC at Freedom
SW 3000 terminals. Check all other
charging source outputs, battery cables.
F10 Battery is too low, can’t
invert. Recharge battery.
Automatic DC Under Voltage
Shutdown (Immediate)
occurs if DC voltage is
below 8 volts DC
Clear the fault and attempt restart.
Recharge batteries. Check battery cable
F11 Battery is too low, can’t
invert. Recharge battery.
Automatic DC Under Voltage
Shutdown occurs if DC
voltage is below 10 volts
Clear the fault and attempt restart.
Recharge batteries. Check battery cable
F23 Inverter/Charger internal
failure. Service required.
Escalating Auto Fault.
Must occur 3 times in 30
seconds before becoming a
manual fault.
AC Over Voltage
Shutdown (Inverter AC
Service required.
Table 9
Fault Messages
Number Message Fault Type Cause Solution